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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Ani Hoang

    Spot On


    Music to the max thrill us
    I know I Paz!? - can not happen.
    viewing parties only show
    have plans for you and me.
    ‘ll count to three, then his thoughts
    believe love will quickly catch
    and I do not save you
    even a minute with me.

    it is a measure alcohol,
    skin-to-skin more can,
    drive straight or down
    ..imash do you have anything in mind!?

    it is a measure alcohol,
    you want more you distracted,
    precisely measure will be yours,
    let’s go a little outside ..

    Music max - he said out loud to quiet
    I am not happen!
    you want me very evident
    you have plans for you and me.
    ‘ll count to three, then his thoughts
    believe love will quickly grab,
    and you do not save you
    even a minute with me.

    It is a measure alcohol,
    skin-to-skin more can,
    drive straight down or
    do you know ..imash something in mind!?

    it is a measure alcohol,
    you want more you distracted,
    precisely measure will be yours,
    let me out lezem a little out ..

    It is a measure alcohol,
    skin-to-skin more can,
    drive straight down or
    ..imash do you have anything in mind !?

    it is a measure alcohol,
    you want more you distracted,
    precisely measure will be yours,
    let’s go a little outside ..