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    Boris Dali

    Deal With Sadness


    1. The most fearsome enemy is my female tears.
    stand like a fool, I do not know what to say ..
    And yours “goodbye” still in the room resounds and echoes
    now makes me I hate ..

    no, do not say goodbye to me when I make mistakes.
    Please do not kill me with these words heavy .. And I do not
    nagging guilt .. If you take my soul,
    but never concluded a deal with grief ..

    no, do not say goodbye to me when I make mistakes.
    Please do not kill me with these words heavy ..
    Even when things are not going to believe in love and fate
    not seal the deal never with sadness ..

    2. If I had a right to a desire
    will not want to cry now,
    to wake up again to my heart
    and forgive me at least for tonight ..