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    Desi Slava

    It's Madness


    Crazy love when everything is a lie.
    madness is to be alone!
    crazy tonight and each other then.
    is mad with me that are bad, and they still love .

    but my heart knows how my bad,
    but did not want to betray you!
    Only my heart knows everything best,
    yet forgive your sins!
    you broke my life,
    but in my heart you!

    It is madness to keep quiet when I want to scream.
    Madness is now crying but the tears to stop?

    but my heart knows how my bad,
    but did not want to betray you!
    Only my heart knows everything best, but
    it forgives your sins!
    you broke my life,
    but in my heart you!

    it’s crazy love when everything is a lie.
    ’s crazy, I know this but back to you I want to go!

    but my heart knows how my bad,
    but did not want to betray you!
    Only my heart knows everything best,
    yet forgive your sins!
    you broke my life,
    but in my heart you!