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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Get Free


    “You’re not innocent enough to be near me!”
    - and I bode my door!
    This leaves better will come and take me, but why
    been delayed until now ?
    “you’re not sinless enough, you go, you hear?
    - and I bode my door!
    you did not say” Goodbye! “, said a few words,
    but bounced right on target!

    Chorus: Get
    freedom key from the door!
    heard from your lips just that:
    “you also itself not the best,
    but I love you so! “(x2)

    you’re already a small black dot and it shrinks,
    your every step separates us!
    Here I am alone I’m happy but - “Why did not it?”
    Just hear me tell you!

    Chorus: Get
    freedom key from the door!
    I heard from the lips you only this:
    “you also itself not the best, but
    I love you so!” (x2)

    Here’s the door run,
    call you “Go!”
    realized some things!
    But it is not too late for my tears?
    I pray it is not so!

    Leave the key in the hand of the neck s,
    and said only this:
    “You also itself not the best, but
    I love you so! “(X2)