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    Officially Foreign


    One year with you - what have I do not know!
    love me, but in the background.
    not call you with her as his
    and still mine, and not your.

    Unofficial your awful long I was.
    Unofficially ask what have I yet?
    And do they stoop question will ask you -
    official foreign want I?

    Why did not I going to be good!
    I have no reason. On you owe.
    officially here do not know me today.
    Do you plugged with another slight dose of stress?

    A year with you - what have I do not know !
    love me and again in the background.
    now silent, but how would you feel sorry,
    that you could not, and did not keep me!

    Unofficial your I was terribly long.
    Unofficially ask what have I yet?
    And do they stoop question will ask you -
    official foreign you want to be?

    How I do not go I’m good!
    I have no reason. On you owe.
    officially here do not know me today.
    Do you plugged with another slight dose of stress?

    Why did not I going to be good!
    I have no reason. On you owe.
    officially here you do not know me today.
    Do you plugged with another slight dose of stress?