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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Am I In The Way


    Alone will get familiar with it - not to intrude love you!
    If you look at me coldly and if you go now!

    overdid it! Tell me no! Tell me disturb you?
    even lie to me - all I know!
    overdid it! I hurt, but I can hear you?
    even lie to me - all I know!

    hinder you?
    not fabricate jealousy!
    “I’ll be faithful “is a lie!
    Do you count how much they divide?
    of us to shut up! Now …

    Am I disturbing? Tell me no! Tell me disturb you?
    even lie to me - all I know!
    Am I disturbing? Not hurt, but I can hear you?
    even lie to me - all I know! / X2 /

    Am I disturbing? Tell me no! Tell me disturb you?
    even lie to me - all I know!
    Am I disturbing? Not hurt, but I can hear you?
    even lie to me - all I know! / X2 /