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    Joke Of The Season


    So I did not laugh long will admit it ..
    You said the joke of the season, will admit it ..
    hunting instinct and love, I had left, I forgot
    to flirt, so you ?

    and you forget you breathe, now tell me?
    or walk and talk now tell me?
    and then how in this uma you pass that I forgot to knock off is not it!

    0pitomena occupied and safe to otnasyat for me, I do not agree ..
    ‘ll crazy to look if you want ..
    It’s like a wheel does not forget ..

    and my lips were sexy, but I sit with them if at all remember what to do?
    hunting instinct and love, I had left, I forgot to
    flirt, do you?

    and you forget you breathe now tell me?
    or walk and talk now tell me?
    and then how in your mind that passes that I forgot to drop off, it is not!

    0pitomena occupied and safe to otnasyat for me, I do not agree ..
    ‘ll crazy to look if you want .. It’s like
    the wheel forget ..