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00:01:00s – 00:05:00s




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    Andrea and Fiki

    Sex For Day


    Yours was, sleep did not sleep and even prebolyah,
    for nothing, I’m not. Before
    married once,
    you make of a man - and I am hurting. Sex
    day, with this you change me?
    forgave you - heard?
    But in your heart - you secretly wish.
    Sleeping with any where you want,
    you be nice to them.
    pleasure you can feel,
    but never love.
    once asked me how I feel,
    strong I am used to it. In bed
    world women have,
    but love never!
    Well it znaesh in your blood I,
    once I was with you and I will again!
    ‘ll get tired remember different to,
    ‘ll want to love.
    But they people will talk,
    one and it does not remain. Sex
    day, with this you change me?
    forgave you - heard?
    But in your heart - you secretly wish.
    Sleeping with any where you want,
    you be nice to them.
    pleasure you can feel,
    but never love.
    once asked me how I feel,
    strong I am used to it. In bed
    world women have,
    but love never!
    And when I think that I’m alive.
    do not call, I’m happy.
    Well it znaesh in your blood I,
    once I was with you and I will again!
    call me, I swear, breaking hates!
    Return me - go! Ha
    words you hate me, but do you love me!
    Sleeping with any where you want,
    you be nice to them.
    pleasure you can feel,
    but never love.
    once asked me how I feel,
    strong I am used to it. In bed
    world women have,
    but love never!
    Once I was with you and I will again,
    not call - I’m happy!