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1:00s – 5:00s




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    To Come Back


    Nobody looking waking …
    But strangely hurt me …
    All of us secretly hid from the world …
    Slow any dream to be with you how I killed …

    to come back here to distraction will call you’ll cry …
    I’ll wait here … just stop
    Hold me again and might admit me just acknowledge my just admit you’re mine …

    0shte will play
    you … Tell me pride will swallow you in this game you’re alone …

    to back here to distraction will call you’ll cry …
    I’ll wait here … just stop
    Hold me again and might admit me … just admit that you’re mine. ..

    to come back here to distraction will call you’ll cry …
    I’ll wait here … just stop
    Hold me again and forces acknowledge me .. . just admit you’re mine …

    to come back here to distraction will call you’ll cry …
    I’ll wait here … just stop
    Hold me again and forces admit me … just admit you’re mine …