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1:00s – 5:00s




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    You’re the rock, which shatter,
    run and slip, these are the waves.
    let anything hurt me, but I’m with you.

    You are the door of sin, I will dash
    how I tried, I did not want to let me go.
    Let me show all, but I’m with you.

    Come on, write all over my body,
    another not touch - I am yours entirely.
    bad makes me, I will bear sin,
    if it is your name.

    Come on, write it the devil take me,
    then take me, I just want you.
    bad makes me, I will bear the sin
    if Ada Be now.

    to judge me then ..
    with the best I’ve been ..

    and I’m shaking but I am passed,
    else can before you face.
    with tears I have paid and will stay!

    you are the years in which I burned all my
    needs of my hot body.
    in their heart melted and I will stay.

    Now, write all over my body
    another not touch - I am yours entirely.
    bad makes me, I will bear the sin
    if it is your name.

    Come write him a devil take me
    then take me, I just want you.
    bad makes me, I will bear the sin
    if Ada Be now.