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1:00s – 5:00s




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    With You Being Again (and So On)


    More I want is you .. .. As we were
    more .. I just want you torturing me .. 1.
    your eyes have
    price .. Do you know where confused me so?
    Only you know my pain and my secrecy.
    with me doing a lot of things -
    they do not just forget.
    Even our warm relationship. Refresh my memory.
    Send me back to us and so on ..
    More secrets will give you and so on ..
    Touch my love and so on ..
    want your lips there and so on ..
    Hide, make, pretend you
    .. I know you want me to be as we were
    2. Whatever .. and have a think about it, if you
    that they do not have poor I am now.
    and I want all the truth: yet I want is you.
    Come ask me, to hurt me Grit. .
    tortured me to the edge Bring me ..
    ‘ll be mad you come to understand, you will die if you stop.
    Send me back to us and so on ..
    More secrets will give you and so on ..
    Touch my love and so on ..
    want your lips there and so on ..
    Hide, make pretending you ..
    I want to be with me as we were ..