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    Andreas and Lyusi Manolova

    I'll Be There For You


    With eyes do not ask where leads me love
    have no words for this to infinity.
    If early now with God will stop the blood
    any pain and guilt I took for you.
    And one day even the world can you turn back again to
    you will go.
    even in hell know me keep order
    even before doomsday’m going to you.
    even before the terrible Court’m going to you.
    And where is the pyre will bask in body
    know I’ll Hell will be Paradise if you say.
    be watched NASA their hands in mud
    dirty words thrown back to you but I’m full.
    And one day even the world can you turn back again to
    you will go.
    even in hell know me keep order
    even before doomsday’m going to you.
    even before doomsday’m going to you.