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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Gott Me


    I told you from me run said it is difficult
    Many others before you did not pass your
    silent but smiling sweetly hell is
    all people like you wish it were

    Gazi everything you for me you light without
    do you go squish all the problems
    they zeroed does them for me
    Gazi without turning all my
    former squish it back memories and dramas
    scars and wounds all healed me

    Gott my nice to me now is my god
    city and then to smash it will pay
    Gott would I do now good my god
    city and then to smash it will pay

    in a hundred lives looking for me in this meet me
    and became fatefully that have two and the car
    I know the road alone leads me to you another place

    Gazi everything you me you light without
    do you go squish all the problems
    they are not zeroed them for me
    Gazi without turning all my
    former squish you back memories and dramas
    scars and wounds all healed me

    Gott It is me now it’s nice to god
    and then smashed to the city will pay for it
    Gott my nice to me now is my god
    and the city will then be wrecked it pay