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1:00s – 5:00s




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    I Betrayed You


    Traitor you looking you in a crowd of people,
    while he stands in front of you, but do not see it,
    me lose, I’m foreign, that have dealt treacherously,
    not cry, do not you mean nothing you!

    you’d better listen to me, not by the people,
    poor woman until you change the role! I
    another, and each time it was getting better,
    better hear it from me, that they delivered!

    you like me to extremes, tomorrow hate pain,
    is not love, but a habit .. you know it:
    me lose, I’m foreign, that have dealt treacherously,
    not cry, do not you already nothing you!

    you better hear it from me and not from people
    the poor woman to change the role you! I
    another, and each time it was getting better,
    better hear it from me, that they delivered!
    better hear it from me and not from the people,
    poor woman until you change the role! I
    another, and each time it was getting better,
    better hear it from me that they delivered! (2)