Champions Tarikats
The most posh cars drive business! X2
most - beautiful women have tarikats! / X2
Come on seriously my brother,
Aide drifche your smart ass!
Who, what to speak,
like you no second!
champions, champions make millions with ease!
Once our landing two or three girls, all night have no brakes!
champions champions do with ease millions!
and with money and women - best of the best!
Mercedes, S-classes make beznesmenite!
a BMV-so shiny, drifkat tarikats! / x2
Aide more seriously my brother!
Aide drifche your smart ass!
Who, what to speak, as you no second!
champions, champions do easily millions!
Once our landing two or three girls, all night have no brakes!
champions, champions make millions with ease!
and with money and women - better than most best!