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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Ani Hoang



    Oh mother ‘Tis vietnamcheto is it was?!

    While they listen pulled my eyes
    man, and you know better than me
    women will surprise you according to you, can they?
    Thousands more you have fallen, fainted ..
    waiting to escape it? Can, but hardly
    too’m curious - what do you suggest?

    Yes, yes, given - go together
    with you whatever is right I want to learn, but
    but to a whole other rights
    number it forgotten, if you happen! (2)

    As you talk you drew eyes,
    and what should better not ask
    will surprise you, according to you, can I?
    thousands of you have fallen, fainted ..
    waiting to escape it? Can, but hardly
    too’m curious - what do you suggest?

    Yes, yes, given - go together
    with you whatever is right I want to learn, but
    but to a whole other rights
    number it forgotten, if you happen!