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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Ann Dzhi ( Ann G )



    I see little, cute mazhlentse
    What do you wanna be?
    Aaau- manekenche ?!
    to change various colored rags.
    Do they snap with large cameras,
    How squish little girls with lollipops
    advertising you shoot with Calvin Klein gashtentsa
    and aunties you clap:
    -Uauu what good dupentse !!!
    and will bitch about:
    - Uh offered me a thousand,
    both men and women - I do not know what to do …
    and then I was a bitch, aa … ?? !!
    cuz I do not tie up such shit
    live my, my rules and I still believe, believe in love
    and then I was …. BITCH
    Well, well, well, if you insist,
    let you examine the beech
    fact how you look does not care
    important is what your soul
    You its a mercantilist model.
    and fitnesche walk, and?
    Jacko bunny !!
    his fall a little Pernik gazarche.
    Wait a minute, my dear child, you
    Ann-ji buy you a BMW encepha?
    newest snowboard, so that your old was tired,
    most new Nokia Carbon, cuz your previous ftrasnal ?!
    Hold her be in. Piss see where I am, where are you!
    Walk there in rich aunts.
    Sorry, but I do not need mercantile mollusc.
    And then I was Bitch aa … ?? !!
    my cuz do not tie up such shit
    live my, my rules and I still believe, believe in love
    and then I was …. BITCH
    And you had! Mr. Player !!
    in Sin City is doing a great puller.
    draws girls with Don Perignon and brag about their business for millions.
    Then the women were “onakiva”
    and what you had a hammer? !!
    eminent metropolitan garbage? !!
    In repovete all you cover mine?
    and then I looked for a decent woman? Well where
    seek her at the tables of CHALGA you daaaaaaa ?? !!!
    And then I was a bitch, aa … ?? !!
    my cuz do not tie up such shit
    live my, my rules and I still believe, believe in love
    and then I was …. BITCH
    A decent which will take you had rag?
    of your child Sofia bramchalki repeating:
    - Ahhh, good father … he pulls !!!
    So silent and his knack of various MISKO 1000 
    and with me not pushing, I’m not offsetting chaff.
    and weeds I do not browse, cuz I’m not rural folk music sheep!
    a beee you?
    Santa Slavcho from the village
    not create you your chalga and?
    now spit it were trash, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!!