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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Against Love Immune


    Already long ago stopped watching white dresses, long ago stopped
    already sorry for them,
    long ago stopped already have tender thoughts,
    I’m ice, not as I was.
    long ago I stopped now chase loneliness,
    long ago stopped longer feel fear,
    not to me, so now things are,
    in love with you stopped living.

    Against love immune,
    without you feel half woman,
    pain hate all love,
    reminiscent of the days lost.
    Against love immune, without
    you feel half woman,
    loved in my life once,
    then you simply will next man.

    I tried a hundred times to taste foreign lips,
    tried a hundred times to feel the passion,
    tried a hundred times but now I’m late,
    can never loved me.
    tried a hundred times in a dream to kill,
    tried a hundred times but could not,
    and new happiness I can not find, without
    love with you stopped living.

    Chorus (x3)
    Against love immune, without
    I feel half woman,
    pain MP azya all love,
    reminiscent of the days lost.
    Against love immune,
    without you feel half woman,
    loved in my life once,
    then you simply will not next man.