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1:00s – 5:00s




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    It's Easy


    Once they saw the air stops me
    until finally a strong man not fool
    all they want to have.
    just waved and immediately
    all ladies are with you the moment
    all they want to have.

    crafts empty in you, but concealing it well!

    is it easy, easy Do you tell easily you fall asleep you
    all looking to get away, someone lev from your pocket
    behind they spit boldly then have at your feet
    easily are you naznaya, but so beautiful.

    Once see you stop me
    air until finally a strong man not fool
    all they want to have.
    just waved and immediately
    all ladies are with you immediately
    all they want to have.

    is it easy, easy Do you say, you easily fall asleep you,
    all looking to escape, one lev from your pocket
    behind them then spit boldly in your feet
    easily are you naznaya, but so beautiful. \ 2