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    Azis and Malina

    Only With You


    Malina Azis:
    My soul still burns for you
    your name day and night repeat
    still looking for yours shoulder
    you love only you love only.
    Azis (x2)
    only you my heart is whole,
    with you all black becomes white,
    only you have the sun in my nights
    where he had AAA for you burn more.
    Malina Azis:
    my soul still burns for you
    your name day and night repeat
    still looking for yours shoulder
    you love only you love only.
    Raspberry (x2)
    only with you I feel tender love,
    with you all seem like a dream,
    just want you to fall asleep at night where he had AAA for
    you burn more.
    Malina Azis (x3)
    my soul still burns for you
    your name day and night repeat
    still looking for yours shoulder
    you love only I love only.