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    Azis and Ustata

    Nashtrakay Is


    Ai Look at me, look at me, get drunk,
    tonight I’m the beautiful,
    Ai Look at me, look at me, nashtrakay is,
    drugde cart wife.
    oops here they rockets, King of duets and King ..
    severe your woe, Seled my every rhyme I get Slick,
    this song is not about ice cream, nor downs bicycle,
    only “S “classes instead of carts full of junk but chunky.
    all night broke his stands, HEMA how to praeme threes, so
    after drinking storm in a glass house, horse to horse Miss silicone,
    she squeezes like a vice, not you put him Gara Dembele,
    of this uncle who Gauls, it ginitalite you sell.
    Ai look at me, look at me, get drunk, this
    I am most beautiful night,
    Ai look at me, look at me, nashtrakay is,
    elsewhere cart wife.
    most long days, and most short dresses,
    sea knee and back I wet it,
    collar MUCKA’s you ‘When a miss, this Gonzo or another player,
    years passed, passed and fans plus grandfather Ico,
    1 00 manenkenki cry still give white nights, their large poshti- areas.
    not something that ma is not pleasant to hold my microphone back,
    she says to me, ‘Give him Barna, if only from Sofia or Varna,
    and beaters and a roller, give me peaches pitted,
    just not vzeva you do sweetie pa-pa palamerikano.
    Ai look at me, look at me, write to
    tonight I have the most beautiful,
    Ai look at me, look at me, nashtrakay is,
    drugde cart wife. \ 3