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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Boni and Toni Storaro

    Neighbors In Heart


    Toni Storaro:
    That Thy love is like drinking - when
    let me get sick.
    First drank to pass my wounds,
    like me, then I did not stop,
    you, you understood.

    Bonnie: There’s a reason
    exactly I’m your favorite.

    With you what to We are making
    will not forgot.
    and ice with you fire it.
    How to extinguish it?
    and what
    We are making will not be forsaken.
    impossible is the end of you,
    neighbors are at heart.

    Bonnie: This
    Thy love is like drinking -
    not stop in time you addicted. But
    I’m dying for you and your numbers,
    which I hear you voice I can not sleep.

    Toni Storaro:
    thy name you see the display go crazy.Chorus:
    with you what to
    We are making will not be forgot.
    and ice with you fire it.
    How to extinguish it?
    We are making and what
    will not be forsaken.
    Impossible is the end of you,
    neighbors are at heart.