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    Jacko Party


    Hey DJ let go my piece, soil super cool sent here.
    Hey DJ let go my piece, soil party, great party.
    Hey DJ greeted the boy that which brings the drink.
    Hey DJ intensify piece, soil party, super cool party.

    Urban legends are collected here,
    chicks dancing and provoke them,
    skirts submitted colored suspenders,
    glances cross fall barriers.
    write your blondes, brunettes you write,
    lipsticks numbers napkins, waiters
    send them spread,
    and DJ-she goes again be heard to hum.

    bends without barriers give now,
    bends without barriers until morning.

    Hey DJ let go my piece, soil super cool sent here.
    Hey DJ intensify piece soil party, great party.
    Hey DJ greeted the boy that which brings the drink.
    Hey DJ intensify piece soil party, super cool party.

    On DJ-January phone still overheated,
    SMS-sending her, greets everyone,
    not matter who who now dances,
    important is the end of what will be kissing.
    rhythm sexy infects everyone,
    fall clothes hot in May took to it,
    easy on the intimate moments,
    not only become sexy incidents.