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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Boris Soltariyski and Liliya Stefanova



    Boris (B): You look lonely thing
    I’m also hopelessly alone.
    See how things are arranged
    and nice to us! Just
    you choose I,
    to you exactly stop me.
    they feel and understand,
    ‘re grateful ..

    Lilia (L): You were what?
    Piss calm!
    In - stay away and
    not filmed!
    You were what?
    Some new character?
    Every day countless, like you find
    I not be filmed ..;)

    B: Brad Pitt I am not, nor
    you Angelina!
    Brad Pitt I’m not,
    take-Wha there ..

    L: Brad Pitt you have not,
    or I’m Angelina!
    Brad Pitt you have not, but
    and you will go.

    B: Honestly
    someday you will look for me.
    L: You were what?
    No, not alone!
    B: I do not see any other, only
    I’m here.
    L: You were what?
    All are equal expect nothing !

    B: Brad Pitt I am not, nor
    you Angelina!
    Brad Pitt I’m not,
    take-Wha there ..L: Brad Pitt you have not, nor
    I’m Angelina!
    Brad Pitt you have not, but
    and you will go. (X3)