Boris Soltariyski
Mom You
Once in the square shiver angry mobs,
as fury boshuva in our souls, our
ka how many more will itarpim ?!
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord Bulgarian you?Chorus: Mama
your mom your mom you in December ** A-
commodity or are we men?
your Mom, Mom you, your mom and December **,
you hear - you speech!
your Mom, Mom you, your mom and December **,
how long we will support you
Mama, mama you, your mom and December **
the guilty,
to those thirsty for power!
to those who robbed us!
on those purchased with voice,
to those who give us more. .
Tired us this!
How long?!
Now comes the moment to say: “No !!!”
Now comes the time to stop this!
Tell us how many more will endure ?!
not silent! Do not be quiet! Do not be silent!
not silent! With us you and you?
Chorus: Mama
your mom your mom you in December ** A-
commodity or are we men?
Mom you mom your mom you and December **,
you hear - you speech!
your Mom, Mom you, your mom and December **,
how long we will support
Mom your mom your mom you and December **
the guilty,
to those thirsty for power!
to those who robbed us!
on those purchased with voice,
to those who give us more .. Tired
us this!
How long?!
K’o sta’a was, brother, these just go back?
K’o sta’a was a brother, these just go back?
K’o sta’a was a brother, these just go back?
K’o sta’a was brother, these just go back?
Mom your mom your mom your mom you ** and December.
Chorus: Mama
your mom your mom you in December * * a-
commodity or are we men?
your Mom, Mom you, your mom and December **,
you hear - you speech!
your Mom, your mom Mom you and December **,
how long we will support you
Mama, mama you, your mom and December **
the guilty,
to those thirsty for power!
to those who robbed us!
On these with body Nia voice,
to those who give us more .. Tired
us this!
How long ?!