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    Borislava and Vladi Aprilov

    Love Unexplained


    I’m a little more, a little, but I know you love me,
    day and night you want, they want, wait fir.
    I’m a little more, a little girl, but me
    fire burns believe me can I love you. Believe it?
    We have to love you and I that separates us forever.
    Trust me everything in my life I have seen.
    It’s nice, is not it? But tomorrow another will meet you,
    will leave me alone and very white.
    Love, love, unexplainable.
    Love, love for you and me,
    extremely difficult, but they
    Imai no night and no day.
    I’m a little more, so small is with you will become a woman, how
    originated no one knows the miracle of love.
    you take away my nights days,
    no peace without you another love not want,
    not ask, they always want mine.
    Perhaps love you, for you I love and dreams,
    but someday will do a miracle for us.
    Then many will hurt and everything in an instant will burn,
    will forget me, but death will suffer me.
    love, love, unexplainable.
    love, love for you and me,
    extremely difficult, but they
    Imai no night and no day.