Doner Belly
Aide of doner who understands stop here
come Bate give you some Doner, Kakko come and you.
Who cares fuck I’m a bad boy
after I enter my man with Doner
lest you understand that this is a piece
left, right in this boy hit enter.
Shaq-shak-Shuka dnyunera is here, where is he fuck it was in December care
cat grabbing hem big her it swallowed that I am ashamed. \ 2
Doner, Doner Doner wow Mother
squeeze as it gives you skew the secret is in the white sauce. \ 2
There are small, medium and large, only someone above him not to sit
is very important here meat, as in poker ace brother. \ 2
doner, doner wow Mother Doner
when you squeeze it gives you skew the secret is in the white sauce. \ 3