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    Desi Slava and Alek Sandar

    It Is Not Over


    Looking back, we had a long way,
    we been having problems, so let’s talk about it.
    Feeling sad when you’re far away.
    It is not over! (X2)

    The way you look at me,
    I do not know what you see.
    Tell me what you need.
    It is not over! (x2)

    Do you think of me? It is not over yet!
    Is this what you need? It is not over yet!
    See me in your dreams? It is not over yet!
    Do not you stop it now!

    It is not over! (X4)

    Follow me, we got a long way,
    forget our problems, hold it, keep it going.
    Turn around I’m a give my best.
    It is not over! (x2)

    The way you look at me,
    I do not know what you see.
    Tell me what you need.
    It is not over! (x2)

    ref. (x2)

    It is not over! (x7)