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    Desi Slava

    The Best


    The wounds they not want it,
    and I know how it hurts,
    rip your thoughts,
    and again bring you tears.

    The best are you most best,
    no one like you in the world,
    want your tears to drink,
    not cry after me for women.
    best your best,
    but in it I found love,
    that with another happy,
    I ask you forgive me now.

    I understand that I have a weakness,
    love me know that,
    but it is my joy, my life

    The best you are, at best,
    no one like you the world,
    want your tears to drink,
    not cry after me for women.
    best your best, but
    in it found love
    that with another happy,
    I ask you forgive me now.

    The best you are, at best,
    no one like you in the world,
    want your tears to drink,
    not cry after me for women.
    best your best,
    but in it I found love,
    that with another’m St’astny First,
    I ask you forgive me now.