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    Desi Slava

    I Can Not Stand


    I miss painful,
    but not enough to know,
    that with you so.
    I did not call you a crazy night,
    to come back to you I pay.

    Ex .:
    not stand, I have no strength to remain silent.
    I want you now, I need you now, going crazy from loneliness.
    not stand, do not understand Does it?
    Listen to me, please. I
    more minute without love.
    not stand it!

    Suite stand in the corner and find no end,
    for which to catch me now.
    I did not call you, but my hand alone
    again dials love.

    Ex .:
    not stand I have no strength to remain silent.
    I want you now, I need you now, going crazy from loneliness.
    not stand, do not you see it?
    Listen to me, please. I
    more minute without love.
    not stand!