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    Desi Slava

    Can Not Do Without Them


    Once you tell a man -
    I have not lied, not once …
    Look him in the eye and
    see there lies ..
    And you say you at night. .
    tired I want to sleep
    Once back in bed gives you - then you cheating

    Do not trust men,
    that are very busy and have no time for us. ..
    better tell them: do not stop lying,
    that I am sick of you …
    not believe the men,
    that are very busy and have no time for us …
    better understand sinners men
    but can not do without them ..

    they cry male eyes with the false tears
    told that regret. .
    then again hurt us
    every man and even has your weak angels
    the saint in front of you is done, many will quickly forget

    do not believe the men
    that they are very busy and have no time for us …
    better tell them: do not stop lying,
    that I am sick of you …
    not believe men
    that they are very busy and have no time for us …
    better understand sinners men
    but can not do without it x ..