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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Desi Slava



    You want to escape,
    catch your eyes in fear.
    not want to me to fall in love,
    not want you by my sin.

    For thee I sing this song.
    my dear boy, listen to me now.
    not want to me to fall in love,
    not want you by my sin.
    But every time I look at
    tingling around the passion
    May can not deny
    under your skin I went … I went.

    Chorus: (x2)
    dangerous in me will love,
    will come into your soul.
    ‘ll make you love me.
    Jump’ll crazy.
    you want me to you to be, to
    become your destiny,
    be very obscene,
    no other then …

    For thee I sing this song.
    my dear boy, listen to me now .
    you look at it - I see fear. you
    for you was one?
    sight obscene
    get ready to hold.
    And if you look again turn
    another one at night
    you lose me - will change.

    Chorus: (x2)
    dangerous in me will love,
    will come into your soul.
    ‘ll etc. Mites love me.
    Jump’ll crazy.
    You want me to you to be,
    to become your destiny,
    be very indecent, no
    other then …