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    Desi Slava

    I Dreamt About You


    I do not want to know how many women you were beside me.
    in false dream that with me you wanted, and with them was wrong.
    you have given me - I see traces of foreign lips.
    cruel hurt … dripping soul wounded tears.

    to me dream of you, you hold me.
    gently touched because my hair.
    to me I dreamed they still kissed me. Fortunately, we were on fire from
    two - you and me.

    Barbed tear paths on Mojto person.
    I can not stop day and night thinking about you .

    to me dream of you, you hold me.
    gently touched because my hair.
    to me dreamed they still kissed me.
    Fortunately we were on fire from two - you and me.

    as before …
    Again, I want to be as it was before.
    same again to … my
    Be, Be mine, just as before.
    no fraud, no lies - only mine Be … (x2)

    to me dream of you, you hold me .
    gently touched because my hair.
    to me dreamed they still kissed me. Fortunately, we were on fire from
    two - I and so and … (x4)