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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Desi Slava and Galena and Kosta Markov

    For Two Women


    Two women my heart beating
    One is legal and the other is you
    two women my soul burns
    With one want to die, the other to burn
    See me how mad, as if I’m 20 again
    and mind you scream “Married, do not so!”
    How do I tell me, you blew my mind as I know
    goes both will hurt
    two women my heart beating
    one is legal and the other is you
    two women my soul burns
    with one want to die, the other to burn
    I have no right to you, not in this life
    It is my man before the world and before God
    She even knows more love is
    But why can not stop wanting you night and day
    two women my heart beating
    one is legal and the other is you
    two women my soul burns
    with one want to die, the other to burn
    / x2 /
    two female soul hurts
    two women will burn
    two female soul forests
    But none give you two will become As three
    three will do with you Liu Bov
    All will forget, dear, be ready
    Two women my heart beating
    One is legal and the other is you
    Two women my soul burns
    with one want to die, the other to burn