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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Desi Slava

    My Alter Ego


    Today come at twelve Meet
    with my alter ego who will dance until tomorrow.
    your breath will stop.
    will dance for you ..
    Let me spin around me,
    from every angle look at me and remember me.
    eyes drink from me.
    will dance for you.
    be assisting Gifs!
    Buy in me wild, fight his show,
    how I love him, I do not forgive,
    fight him in the chest, let’s see how the fight break ..
    and dance with me,
    while love is .. (x2)
    Come drink with me and write ..
    with my other az..koeto will be crazy tomorrow ..
    your breath will stop ..
    I’ll dance for you ..
    Let me spin around me,
    from every angle look at me and remember me.
    eyes drink from me.
    will dance for you ..
    Buy at me wild, fight his show,
    how I love him, I do not forgive,
    fight him in the chest, let’s see how the fight break ..
    and dance with me,
    while love is .. (x3)