Desi Slava
Change Your Password
Write her with ten others to forget about one -
even to deny it, you know it’s true!
Change your password - I know her forgotten you ?!
Baby, changed her baby!
know it, and terribly fun to read
how you put on airs in front of some girls.
Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby … Today I
for you light a cigarette,
sugar for coffee - nothing more. But
himself did me no!
Yeah - not sorry!
fact that you removed your pictures with me,
means that you’m still a problem. But
himself did me no!
Yeah - not sorry!
know you - you do not sleep
good in bed, in which me not me.
eyes, red for the umpteenth time they issue.
your typing with ten others to forget about one -
even to deny it, you know it’s true!
change your password - I know her forgotten you ?!
baby, change her baby!
know it, and terribly fun to how you read
put on airs in front of some girl th.
Change your password - I know her forgotten you ?!
Baby, change her baby!
was clear: will you miss, you will need
- no substitutes !
with 20 to write, with 30,
again in your mind staying!
in your mind staying!
in your mind staying!
in mind you stay!
know you - you do not sleep well
in bed where me not me.
eyes, red for the umpteenth time they issue.