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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Desi Slava



    These lips stinging and burning hands …
    whole to make me shudder …
    And no dream left me …
    And after this long day … You
    come back to me again …
    Goodnight we say now will not be easy … it
    feel your arms, feel them both …
    what they do not it in no sleep …
    and hot body and your every thing …
    Taka well I act like I’m brand new …
    through thick walls and locked doors …
    can hear every cry and neighbors lit cigarette … they
    How long will endure to live without sleep … Good night
    we say now will not light it …
    I feel your arms, feel them both …
    what they do not do in any sleep … and
    hot body and your every thing … well my
    Taka act as brand new …
    I feel your arms, feel them both …
    what they do not do in any sleep … and
    hot body and your every something …
    Taka well I act like I’m brand new …
    I feel your arms, feel them both …
    What they do not do in any sleep … And
    hot body and your every thing … well my
    Taka act as brand new I …