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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Dimana and Dj Marco Bocka

    Not My Duty


    I’ll tell you why I come ..
    not lie I’m pretty again …
    It was beautiful when I do not cry …

    With you as if round
    turn .. But I decided to end it …
    Delusions me once .. SECOND TIME nO WAY !! ..

    no no no no no no no … they keep
    no no no no no no my duty …
    no no no no no no come finals ..
    Pius AGAIN FOR mE .. me NO ..

    le-le-le-lei .. le-le-le-lei
    le-le-le-lei .. Lay-leu-leu ..

    I have nicknamed “naive” ..
    I’m awake until 3 am ..
    phone me with your song to ring … WAIT ..
    And I came to tell goes ..
    Scream account to pay ..
    with it in the trash then crush me ..

    no no no no no no no they hold …
    no no no no no no my duty …
    no no no no no no come finals ..
    AGAIN Pius MENE..CHE FOR mE .. nO

    le-le-le-lei .. le-le-le-lei
    le-le-le-ley..Ley-leu-leu ..

    no no no no no no no … they keep
    no no no no no no my duty …
    No no no no no no come finals ..
    AGAIN drink for me .. I’m not ..