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    Dj Teddy Georgo and Debora

    Bend, Please


    How many will pay her compliments, give gain.
    Someone asked me have you hit, tough we are, but run.
    short chains, pay not stop. So
    her look and heat it it became me, me going. Hey
    May you become hot with me,
    crazy, but I just, I really like it.
    Keep it right, please guard,
    many you want, but please bend.
    How much will it cost you to dance, give gain.
    Someone asked me have you hit, tough we are, but run.
    short chains, payments do not stop. So
    her look and heat it to me, it is me, it is my
    Hey .. May you become hot with me,
    crazy, but just this I really like.
    Keep it Right, please guard,
    many you want, but please bend.