Dzhena, Atanas Stoev-Mladshi and Kanarite
Sevdalina Lass / Stoyan Good Word
Sevdalina lass you think of me,
pass by your gates, near the lower your neighborhood. (X2)
Get up and open my gates Chemshirov,
you watch for the white person, black eyes cherries. (x2)
I remember, guess and desire I have,
just my face, just my eyes, cat no one loves them. (x2)
Stoyan good word, a good first liube,
make a good Murray, exit Meet me. (x2)
gifts you wear, gifts outfits,
he should be measured, you should arrange. (x2)
gasp Stoyan, where it reach its,
liube over girls, old fits him.
Do they pozagledat, my envy.