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    Can You Prove


    Tight squish you respect, firmly squashing life!
    Is that your idea of ​​great love?
    to kill me, I know you - even without weapons.
    enough for me just to watch me with indifference!
    what I do anything from me what do you want?
    what say you deserve to swallow your mistakes?
    was another me like went for it and I another I was.
    Instead of love bristled, I shudder just furious!

    you know enough of me came,
    can you prove you!
    Wrestling for thy love,
    like my life!
    you know enough of me came,
    to leave you want from you?
    ‘ll think is, that I hold,
    only when destroy everything!

    Ever try not to scratch your precious car
    … And my heart that it squish -
    how are passionate about this?
    Being different from time to time -
    this love, you say?
    One more mistake than you
    and blocked her to life!

    you know enough of me came,
    to you dock y name you!
    I fight for thy love,
    like my life!
    You know enough of me came,
    to leave you want from you?
    it will be remembered that to keep me,
    only when destroy everything!