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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Dzhena, Preslava, Elena, Aneliya, Iliyan, Mariya, Konstantin, Emiliya, Malina, Tsvetelina, Galena, Boris Dali and Andrea

    Forever In My Heart


    Andrea: I wanted this festival,
    Boris Dali: waiting for this day,
    Preslav: to feel your love when you sing with me!
    Anelia I see in your eyes, I see burn,
    Elena: I love every meeting with you -
    Mary the best in the city!

    thousands of people and a sea of ​​hands,
    thousands of hearts beat as if they were one heart.
    Thousands dreams merged into one.
    you and I, we better and better!

    Jenna: I wanted this festival,
    Elijah waited this day,
    Constantine: to feel your love,
    Emilia: when you sing with me!
    Malina: After such a meeting,
    Tsvetelina Yaneva: how do I leave?
    Galena: my heart stays here! My heart stays with you!