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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Slightly inflated very perverse how you shoved
    believe I know there as head deeper into things
    you recalibrate itself as its noisy if you think of the quiet
    become know and subordinated
    modest humble my legs will lie

    Dirty muzzle you want to kiss again
    Ah what your monkey you clean crazy crazy
    Dirty snout want you to kiss again
    Ah what your monkey you clean crazy crazy

    my girl try to annoy with any
    various players again how my clear right’m
    boss know your every step as their noisy
    if I think of you become quiet and you know
    subordinated modest humble in my legs will lie

    Dirty muzzle you want to kiss again
    Ah what your monkey you clean mad mad
    Dirty muzzle you want to kiss again
    Ah what your monkey you clean crazy crazy

    do not teach my love was wounded for
    I’m crude and a hundred times before me
    me wrong only blame only blame me

    not learned of Thy Lubo wounded in his
    such crude and a hundred times before you be wrong
    only you blame only blame you

    Dirty muzzle you want to kiss again
    Ah what your monkey you clean crazy crazy
    Dirty snout want you to kiss again
    Ah what your monkey you clean mad crazy