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00:01:00s – 00:05:00s




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    Dzhuliya and Galena

    Congratulations To Your Wife


    Remember, remember, how about you dying?
    Remember how heart after you gathered?
    wanted to crash while driving,
    whenever the others understand. He thought
    that then you will go mad
    and after we will not survive.
    today you I still visible in the eyes of you, how
    die in pain today, see.Chorus: (x2)
    now drink your love,
    heard this song you know her?
    Crown am I Maserati,
    greeting from Julia wife. /

    I have eyes in tears with color as I
    was on “your”, but it already went.
    hundred reasons you had a cold,
    thirty missed, for fun to shoot them.
    He thought then you will go mad
    and after we will not survive.
    today you I still visible in the eyes of you, how
    die today pain, see.

    Chorus: (x2)

    tonight, dear, listen to me hit,
    can only repeat my break-while.
    fight your delete-oh yes! (x2)