Emanuela and Dzhina Stoeva
Who Saw - Saw
Gina: Do not, do not, to behave decently.
Emanuela: Ma nice look at you, your humble unnecessary.
Tell, tell I live k’va collar.
Gina: With this crazy k’va trouble waiting for me.
Chorus: Who saw-saw,
very important.
Who knew, understood,
to talk. Come
clothes in the water,
how do I know. (2)
Gina: Fire scandal with you emerges.
Emanuela: Well let you nap I’m such.
Come with me to crash then.
Gina: This is not good, someone will cry again.
Chorus: Who saw-saw,
very important.
Who knew, understood,
Come clothes in the water,
how do I know. (2)