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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Emanuela and Konstantin



    I love you, then turned
    Happiness took me and I do not get it back
    In pain they became
    with me is playing, when they embraced
    I was on my knees, you overlooked me
    nasty as I was, you cheat
    all forgive
    But forget me like a cork, forbid
    in such a beautiful monster
    I know I loved as I want you What can I
    still coming, they wait
    like me such a treasure nowhere
    Most I loved
    they come to hate then at least
    want now sucks to be my
    If you get tired, you can stop
    will not happen so love
    watching gnaw
    look at me look scary clothed
    I’m your type also tonight
    trembles you anything you wear my pain
    So I have a meeting
    Is there anything else in you
    heard you lie that you
    without me and hate me already without me you
    in such a beautiful monster
    Am I fell in love as you have me do
    What we still come, they wait
    like me such a treasure nowhere
    Most I loved
    they come to hate then at least
    in such a beautiful monster
    Do I fell in love as we please have me
    What we still come, they wait
    like me such a treasure nowhere
    Most I loved
    they come to you hate then at least