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    Figure It Out By Yourself


    Type, size, length and happy I’ve been,
    will learn all this.
    Come cry with rage, will leave until noon, then
    will tell you.

    From your friends one that got me the most beloved,
    guessed himself, but a there is anger they know
    you earned it well, long humiliate me,
    when it will go now, how were you will know you first.

    type, size, length and happy I’ve been,
    will learn all this, I want to be your friend punish
    Let’s shout of rage, will leave until noon, then
    will tell you, night long women how to love.

    I’ve checked who are you convinced that for me not,
    guessed himself, but a there is anger they know, they
    watched with naive eyes, but now will hurt him
    will go now, how either you will know you first.

    type, size, length and happy I’ve been,
    will learn all this, I want to be your friend punish
    Come cry with rage, will leave until noon, then
    will tell you, Jen night long s how to love. (x2)