Before Use, Read The Leaflet
Hold, hold hold me,
furious his gruesome his wild not accept no.
hold, hold and drop,
firmly biting like crazy. But if
with me getting down and hands me when covering a,
I’ll be good to tell the whole truth.
Before you use there will tell you,
read the leaflet that then not cry
warned about the side effects,
come with me be, but you know it hurts.
Before there use will tell you,
read the leaflet that then do not cry,
take izpiyme, closed his eyes and swallow, swallow it
that will mine.
Play to the end as you began,
Archives me, lifting me and me dopobarkvay,
play with gusto until recently, go ahead and confidently
But when me and getting as covering a hands me,
I’ll be good to tell the whole truth.