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    I'll Wait For Your Call


    Me learn how they can get, but
    loves and failed!
    And again a lot of time into it looking for me,
    love you lack any other !

    Pr: I’ll wait my zvannesh,
    me to return it to her!
    could that,
    around to keep you?I’ll wait my zvannesh,
    me to return it to her, you!
    But without telling the name,
    go, Call me!

    from me is learn how they can get,
    today but will leave it to the other side!
    not care about me, you do not have time,
    but in an emergency, know numbers!

    Pr: I’ll wait my zvannesh,
    me to return it to her!
    could that,
    around to keep you?

    I’ll wait zvannesh me,
    me to return it to her, you!
    But without telling the name,
    go, Call me!

    ..I’ll wait my zvannesh from me to her it back!
    will wait for me zvannesh from me to her it back, you!

    Pr …