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    Beware Of It


    Watch out men, beware of it!
    With a single touch you sick!
    In true she has heart, but no one can understand.
    careful men, beware of it!
    With a single touch you sick!
    As an element of love and poison then.
    It was for me!
    And day and night on it strongly becoming crazy.
    And every moment to be with her crave.
    But by itself would not give me.
    she wants men to revenge, love
    distributes, and then quietly went ..
    Such pain she caused me. Kills me!
    careful men, beware of it!
    With a single touch you sick!
    In true she has heart, but no one can understand.
    Watch men beware of it!
    With a single touch you sick!
    As an element of love and poison then.
    It was for me!
    loves male feels she can play.
    For the Love does not even want to know.
    But whatever happens, I love ya. It
    men she wants revenge, love
    distributes, and then quietly went ..
    Such pain she caused me. Kills me!
    careful men, beware of it!
    With a single touch you sick!
    In true she has heart, but no one can understand.
    Watch men beware of it!
    With a single touch you sick!
    As an element of love and poison then.
    It was for me!